The Witching Hour is out in the UK, 2nd May

Deep Beneath Us is out in the UK and US, 4th

I'm reading: BIG GAY WEDDING, Byron Lane

Q: Who drew all the pies? A: Mark did. The Edinburgh Sketcher


Lexy is long overdue a trip to Scotland to see her parents, and an unexpected death in the extended Last Ditch family makes Christmas in a bungalow in Dundee with eleven others seem almost irresistible.

But when Lexy and the crew hop across the Atlantic, there’s been a change of plan. And a murder, naturally . . .  Explore the book        

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Tabitha Muir returns to her childhood home in the remote hills of Hiskith after twenty years away. She’s lost her job, her house, and custody of her son after a divorce, and thinks this must be rock bottom – but worse is to come. An explosion at the dam on the loch and the suspicious death of her beloved cousin Davey force Tabitha to confront what lies below the calm surface. 

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May 1939. As the clouds of war gather over Europe, Dandy and Alec tackle a case that hits far to close to home when a seemingly picturesque East Lothian Village, hiding a long, dark and unsettling history, is the setting for a gruesome killing  . . . 

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